Friday 17 December 2010


Find thе thinnest notebook іn thе world? Asus recently announced thе launch οf nеw notebook models thаt Asus U36 whісh became thе world’s thinnest notebook wіth аn Intel processor voltage standard (nοt low voltage). Unique nеw thermal design developed bу Asus notebooks tο reduce thе thickness οf 19mm οnƖу. 

WhіƖе mοѕt ultra-thin notebooks οn thе market bесаυѕе іt uses low voltage CPU coolers аnԁ power consumption benefits, Asus U36 brеаk through thеѕе limitations аnԁ offers a standard voltage processor Intel Core I3 οr I5 tο a steady performance. Thіѕ іѕ possible thanks tο dual-pipe heat-design technology thаt works effectively Asus remove heat frοm thе CPU without adding a lot οf space. 

Slim Size, Powerful Performance
While most ultra thin notebooks on the market use a low voltage CPU because of cooling and power consumption benefits, the ASUS U36 breaks the mold and offers a standard voltage Intel® Core™ i3 or Core™i5 processor for powerful performance. This is possible thanks to ASUS’s dual heat pipe design which effectively dissipates heat from the CPU without adding any extra bulk. As a result, users who create rich media content, play intensive games, or engage in heavy multitasking are able to carry around a notebook that meets their needs, yet measures just 19mm thick.

Sleek and lightweight design

With its ultra-lightweight aluminum and magnesium shell and 4-cell battery it weighs only 1.44 kg, which makes it the obvious choice for the related much of themselves and do not want to carry around a heavy computer. Its unique nano-coating repels fingerprints, dirt and water so that the U36 will retain its elegant appearance longer.

Long battery Life
Ultra slim notebooks are known for their super long battery life largely thanks to their low voltage CPU’s. Despite using a standard-voltage processor, the U36 is able to deliver similar mobile performance, thanks to ASUS Super Hybrid Engine technology’s “Battery Saving” mode. Coupled with NVIDIA® Optimus technology, battery life can be extended for up to 10 hours for true all-day mobile computing.


Thursday 16 December 2010

HTC Desire Z

HTC desire z review

The HTC Desire is, in effect, the second in the new Android range from HTC, with its much larger brother, the HTC Desire HD, taking most of the limelight.
But it's more than 'spare a thought' for the HTC Desire Z, as this phone is designed to encompass the best Android has to offer with HTC's sublime Sense overlay - and a QWERTY keyboard to boot.

The first thing you'll notice about the HTC Desire Z when you pick it up is the sheer heft, as we're seeing a phone with a 3.7-inch screen coupled with a not-insubstantial QWERTY keyboard and hinge underneath.

The whole unit weighs in at 180g, which isn't the lightest on the market, and you can certainly feel it in your pocket... but it's not so bad that if you're hungry for a QWERTY keyboard you won't be able to tolerate it.
The Desire Z itself feels pretty high end, as it's clad in aluminium and has a nice and polished feel to it. The battery cover on the back is well-designed and complements the design well, and pops off with a pleasant jump when using the switch on the side.
HTC desire z review
The front of the phone looks different to the HTC Desire HD, with the usual four touch-sensitive keys (home, menu, back and search) above a clickable optical trackpad that lets you negotiate text and also doubles as an enter key.
The left-hand side of the phone holds the large volume rocker switch, and the microUSB slot, which is uncovered.
HTC desire z review
The right-hand side only has the aforementioned battery cover release and the physical camera button - which we're really pleased to see after it was left off the Desire HD.
HTC desire z review
The top of the phone hold the power/lock key, and it's much more prominent than others in the HTC range, and it's really easy to hit to open up the phone.
HTC desire z review
The 3.5mm headphone jack is also situated here, and is nicely positioned to not get in the way when you're watching videos through wired headphones.
The slide out keyboard has a lovely motion too, as it doesn't glide out; instead, it folds out on itself, lifting and dropping into place. The QWERTY keys themselves are large and easy enough to hit, but not raised enough nor have enough travel to really allow super-fast typing in our opinion.
HTC desire z review
The keyboard also packs another problem: the hinge is really loose, and the screen wobbles under touch input when the keyboard is stowed away.
HTC desire z review
And when open and held vertically, a few shakes can see the screen rock back easily onto your thumbs, which is really not what we'd expect from a device of this class.
HTC desire z review
Sure, it's not going to happen that often, but we'd certainly expected more from the build quality on a device designed by HTC.



Penyakit-penyakit dapat mempengaruhi bagian mana pun dari jantung. Tetapi, penyakit yang paling umum adalah penyakit kronis pada arteria koroner yang disebut aterosklerosis. Karena itu, sakit jantung yang umum dikenal dan paling banyak diderita adalah penyakit jantung koroner atau penyakit arteria koroner. Penyakit ini paling sering menyebabkan serangan jantung pada seseorang yang bisa menyebabkan kematian. Penyebabnya adalah penyempitan pada pembuluh darah koroner, dimana pembuluh ini berfungsi untuk menyediakan darah ke otot jantung. Penyempitan disebabkan oleh tumpukan kolesterol atau protein lain yang berasal dari makanan yang masuk dalam tubuh. Penumpukan ini juga menyebabkan pembuluh darah koroner menjadi kaku. Kekakuan ini disebut sebagai aterosklerosis.
Aterosklerosis terjadi jika terjadi penumpukan plak atau timbunan lemak pada dinding-dinding arteri. Selang beberapa waktu, plak dapat menumpuk, mengeras dan mempersempit arteri, dan menghambat aliran darah ke jantung. Penyakit arteria koroner atau coronary artery disease (CAD) inilah yang pada dasarnya menuntun kepada sebagian besar serangan jantung.
Penyumbatan dalam satu arteri koroner atau lebih dapat menimbulkan serangan jantung secara tiba-tiba. Penyebabnya karena jantung meminta oksigen melebihi yang tersedia sehingga memicu serangan jantung. Mengapa? Apabila otot jantung tidak menerima oksigen untuk waktu yang cukup lama, jaringan di sekitarnya dapat rusak. Tidak seperti jaringan yang lain, otot jantung tidak mengalami regenerasi. Semakin lama serangannya, semakin banyak kerusakan pada jantung dan semakin besar kemungkinan meninggal.
Bahkan dalam arteri yang tidak terlalu sempit karena timbungan plak dan lemak, timbunan plak dapat pecah dan membentuk kerak darah atau trombus. Selain itu, arteri yang berpenyakit juga cenderung mengalami kontraksi otot secara mendadak. Sehingga, sekeping kerak darah dapat terbentuk di tempat kontraksi, melepaskan zat kimia yang kemudian mengakibatkan dinding arteri menyempit, memicu sebuah serangan jantung.
Jika sistem kerja dari jantung rusak, irama normal jantung dapat menjadi kacau dan jantung mulai bergetar dengan tidak menentu atau mengalami fibrilasi. Irama tidak normal ini disebut sebagai aritmia yaitu penyimpangan dari irama jantung normal. Hal ini akan menyebabkan jantung kehilangan kesanggupannya untuk memompa darah dengan efektif ke otak. Dalam waktu sepuluh menit, otak mati dan si pasien pun tidak tertolong lagi.
Selain penyakit jantung koroner yang disebabkan karena penumpukan lemak di dinding arteri, ada juga penyakit jantung lainnya yang disebabkan kelainan semenjak lahir. Misalnya jantung yang tidak sempurna, kelainan katup jantung, melemahnya otot jantung. Penyebab lain adalah bakteri yang menyebabkan infeksi pada jantung.

Gejala Sakit Jantung
Gejala-gejala yang dirasakan jika mengalami penyakit jantung koroner antara lain rasa sakit atau nyeri di dada di mana kebanyakan orang menyangka itu hanya sebagai gangguan pencernaan. Lalu gejala lain yaitu merasa tertekan di tengah dada selama 30 detik sampai 5 menit. Hal lainnya adalah keringat dingin, berdebar-debar, pusing, dan merasa mau pingsan. Gejala ini tidak selalu dirasakan penderitanya. Tanda peringatan lain adalah napas tersengal-sengal pada saat berolahraga.
Selama beberapa bulan sebelum serangan jantung biasanya penderita penyakit jantung sering merasa sangat lelah. Jangan menganggap gejala ini disebabkan oleh kurang tidur dan stres akibat pekerjaan.
Rasa nyeri atau rasa ditekan di dada, yang disebut angina, memberikan peringatan kepada setengah dari mereka yang menderita serangan jantung. Beberapa orang mengalami napas tersengal-sengal atau kelelahan dan perasaan lunglai sebagai gejalanya, mengindikasikan bahwa jantung tidak mendapatkan cukup oksigen karena penyumbatan koroner.
Biasanya beberapa hari menjelang mengalami serangan jantung hebat, seseorang akan mengalami kontraksi otot secara tiba-tiba di dada yang merupakan serangan kecil atau serangan jantung ringan. Serangan jantung ringan umum terjadi sebelum serangan besar beberapa hari kemudian.

Tips Mencegah Penyakit Jantung

Agar terhindar dari penyakit jantung koroner, Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal berikut:

·         Pola makan sehat

Hindari makanan yang banyak mengandung lemak atau yang mengandung kolesterol tinggi. Seafood memiliki kandungan kolesterol tinggi yang dapat membahayakan jantung. Kurangi menyantap makanan yang digoreng yang banyak mengandung lemak, sebaliknya makanan dapat diolah dengan cara direbus, dikukus atau dipanggang.

Sebisa mungkin, produk makanan yang kita makan rendah lemak atau tanpa lemak. Pilih susu, keju, mentega atau makanan lain yang rendah lemak. Menggoreng dengan menggunakan minyak zaitun memiliki kandungan lemak yang sedikit sehingga bisa menjadi pilihan bila harus mengolah makanan dengan cara digoreng.

Selain menghindari makanan berlemak, hindari juga makanan dengan kandungan gula tinggi seperti soft drink. Jangan pula tertalu banyak mengkonsumsi karbohirat, karena dalam tubuh, karbohidrat akan dipecah menjadi lemak. Sebaliknya, konsumsi oat atau gandum yang dapat membantu menjaga jantung tetap sehat.

Jaga pola makan tidak berlebihan agar terhindar dari kegemukan, karena seseorang yang memiliki lingkar pinggang lebih dari 80 cm, berisiko lebih besar terkena penyakit ini.

·         Berhenti merokok

Mengisap rokok sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan jantung, maka segera hentikan kebiasaan ini agar jantung tetap sehat.

·         Hindari Stres

Stres memang sangat sulit dihindari jika hidup di kota besar seperti Jakarta yang dikenal karena kemacetan dan kesibukannya. Saat seseorang mengalami stres, tubuhnya akan mengeluarkan hormon cortisol yang menyebabkan pembuluh darah menjadi kaku. Hormon norepinephrine akan diproduksi tubuh saat menderita stres, yang akan mengakibatkan naiknya tekanan darah. Maka, sangat baik bila Anda menghindari stres baik di kantor atau di rumah.

·         Hipertensi

Problem hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi juga bisa menyebabkan penyakit jantung. Hipertensi dapat melukai dinding arteri dan memungkinkan kolesterol LDL memasuki saluran arteri dan meningkatkan penimbunan plak.

·         Obesitas

Kelebihan berat atau obesitas meningkatkan tekanan darah tinggi dan ketidaknormalan lemak. Menghindari atau mengobati obesitas atau kegemukan adalah cara utama untuk menghindari diabetes. Diabetes mempercepat penyakit jantung koroner dan meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung.

·         Olahraga secara teratur

Anda dapat melakukan kegiatan olahraga seperti berjalan kaki, jalan cepat, atau jogging. Kegiatan olahraga yang bukan bersifat kompetisi dan tidak terlalu berlebihan dapat menguatkan kerja jantung dan melancarkan peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh.

·         Konsumsi antioksidan

Polusi udara, asap kendaraan bermotor atau asap rokok menciptakan timbulnya radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Radikal bebas dapat menyebabkan bisul atau endapan pada pembuluh darah yang dapat menyebabkan penyumbatan. Untuk mengeluarkan kandungan radikal bebas dalam tubuh, perlu adanya antioksidan yang akan menangkap dan membuangnya. Antioksidan dapat diperoleh dari berbagai macam buah-buahan dan sayuran.

·         Keturunan

Seorang yang orang tua atau saudara kandungnya pernah mengalami serangan jantung sebelum usia 60 memiliki risiko lebih besar menderita penyakit ini. Karena itu, jika Anda memiliki kerabat yang pernah mengalami serangan jantung, sebaiknya Anda lebih berhati-hati dalam menjaga agar pola makan dan gaya hidup Anda dapat menunjang jantung sehat.

Mengatasi Penyakit Jantung

Jika Anda merasakan gejala awal penyakit jantung ataupun pernah mengalami serangan jantung ringan, jangan abaikan itu. Anda sangat membutuhkan penanganan dini oleh personel medis yang terlatih. Ini dapat menyelamatkan jantung dari kerusakan yang lebih parah dan bahkan dapat menghindari akibat yang lebih fatal seperti kematian.
Namun jika gejala serangan jantung mulai terjadi, sangat penting untuk segera mencari bantuan medis. Risiko kematian terbesar dari serangan jantung adalah dalam kurun waktu satu jam setelah terjadi serangan jantung. Perawatan yang cepat dan tepat dari tim medis dapat menyelamatkan otot jantung dari kerusakan yang tidak dapat diperbaiki. Semakin banyak otot jantung yang terselamatkan, semakin efektif jantung akan kembali memompa setelah serangan. Jangan menunda-nunda untuk mendapatkan bantuan medis karena merasa takut dianggap mengada-ada.
Bila telah terjadi penyumbatan, tindakan medis yang umumnya diambil adalah dengan pemasangan kateterisasi dan cincin yang menjaga agar pembuluh darah koroner tidak tersumbat. Tetapi, ada kemungkinan terjadi penyumbatan pada pembuluh lainnya.


Wednesday 15 December 2010

LG Optimus 7

Windows Phone 7 has arrived an array of different handsets, so here we're looking at LG's entry: the Optimus 7.
Microsoft sets out some design rules for Windows Phone 7 hardware, and there are some ways in which the Optimus 7 is very like all the other Windows Phone 7 handsets out there, such as the HTC HD7, Samsung Omnia 7 and HTC 7 Mozart.
There's a camera button on the right edge and three shortcut buttons on the front: Search, Back and one to take you to the Windows Start screen. You'll find these on all Windows Phone 7 handsets.
LG optimus 7
There's also the usual smartphone goodness of Wi-Fi, 3G and GPS. HSDPA support runs to 7.2Mbps download and 5.7Mbps upload. A five-megapixel camera sits on the back, and there's a generous 16GB of internal memory.
The memory quota is actually quite important with Windows Phone 7 because no Windows Phone 7 handset caters for hot-swappable memory via adding your own microSD card. You're stuck with what's there from the outset, so you need to be sure it's enough to meet your needs. 16GB is currently the maximum available, so that puts the LG Optimus 7 in a good light.
LG optimus 7
Despite Microsoft's 'rules' for smartphones carrying its OS, there are some features here that you won't find on other Windows Phone 7 handsets. Quite naturally enough, really, since manufacturers want to differentiate one smartphone from all the others.
Most notably for the LG Optimus 7, there's a panorama camera mode, an app called ScanSearch, and a feature called PlayTo for DLNA. If you want the ultimate review of the Windows Phone 7 software itself, then check out our in-depth look at the OS.
LG optimus 7
The LG Optimus 7 is a bulky old thing. It's a massive 125mm tall, 59.8mm wide and 11.5mm thick. That height doesn't actually mean there's an oversized screen here. What you get is a 3.8-inch screen with 800 x 480 pixels.
We do like the screen, which is capacitive and ultra-responsive. We've found in general that tapping away at the on-screen keyboards and icons of Windows Phone 7 is a positive experience, and the LG Optimus 7 provides us with more of the same. We actually sighed with pleasure that Microsoft has at last consigned its teeny icons and menus based system to history.
The physical design of the LG Optimus 7 leaves us slightly unhappy, though. There's quite a lot of empty space above the screen, and the three under-screen buttons are in an area that's oversized for our tastes. We'd have liked more streamlining, to be honest.
LG optimus 7
In fact, the three buttons are a bit weird. The start button looks like a stuck-on tile, though it is a real button that you press in. The back and search buttons also press in, but they're flush to their surroundings. It's all nowhere near as sleek as the touch buttons on, say, the HTC 7 Mozart.
LG optimus 7
LG optimus 7
The general build is fairly premium, and we particularly like the metal backplate. There's a rubberised finish to the rest of the chassis which helps with grip. The micro-USB slot that you'll use to charge the battery is under a hinged protective cover on the right side of the chassis.
LG optimus 7


Samsung Wave

We've finally managed to get our hands on a final release unit of the Samsung Wave - and the good news is it's a darn sight better than the pre-production version we tested a few weeks ago, so read on to see the updated and final Samsung Wave review.
The Korean firm has made the somewhat leftfield decision to launch its own OS and with the new Samsung Wave it gets a phone with top-notch hardware to debut it on.
Samsung wave
This isn't just another 'and me' Samsung phone – it's crammed to the hilt with high end features, such as HD video recording, a 1GHz Samsung-own Hummingbird processor, a super-slim chassis, the latest Super AMOLED screen and multi-touch support right out of the box.
Samsung wave
However, it's still rocking Samsung's TouchWiz overlay, which is great if you like Samsung phones, but a very different experience for those joining the Korean giant for the first time.
Samsung wave
So is this another middling handset from the firm that brought us more phones than we could shake a stick at last year, or is the Samsung Wave the first phone of a radical new dynasty?
The first two things to note about the Samsung Wave are obvious: the build quality and the screen just cram style into your eyeballs.
Samsung wave
The phone is very slim at less than 11mm thick and the metallic build quality is apparent the second you hold it in your hand. Given a startling number of purchases are made in store based on how a phone feels this will be head and shoulders above the rest to that demographic.
Samsung wave
The front is sparse in terms of buttons, with call, terminate and menu keys the only things apparent other than the 3.3-inch capacitive screen. The menu key is sculpted and nicely tactile, although perhaps a little large.
Samsung wave
The rest of the phone is pretty simple: volume up/down keys on the left-hand side, lock and camera shutter keys on the right-hand side and the top sees a 3.5mm headphone jack and a microUSB connector with sliding cover.
Samsung wave
Other than that, there's only the diamond-shaped 5MP camera on the back with accompanying LED flash, which all together gives the Wave a very refined look indeed.
And if you're impressed by the chassis, then you'll be amazed by the SuperAMOLED screen, with its high-res 480x800 WVGA screen with great viewing angles and jaw dropping contrast.
Samsung wave
It zips along under the finger too, and allows you to see a huge amount of information, be it widgets on your home screen or a full internet page.
In short, the Samsung Wave looks the business, but while it's nice to get a phone out in the pub to impress your mates once in a while, you've still got to live with it day to day, so let's dive under the hood to see how it works.


Friday 10 December 2010

susu untuk si kecil

Rajin minum susu memang baik untuk pertumbuhan buah hati. Tapi pastikan, Anda membuat susu dengan cara yang tepat.

Disarankan, mencairkan susu bubuk anak dengan air hangat agar kandungan protein di dalamnya tidak hilang.

“Jangan pernah bikin susu anak pakai air mendidih. Sebaiknya, kurang dari 70 derajat Celsius, air hangat atau suam-suam kuku, supaya proteinnya enggak hilang,“ kata dr Samuel Oetoro MS SpGK usai acara “Peluncuran Identitas Brand Baru dan Kampanye Raih Esokmu“ dari Frisian Flag Indonesia di Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Sudirman, Jakarta, Jumat (9/12/2010).

Juga, susu yang sudah diminum sebaiknya segera dihabiskan agar kandungan gizinya tidak teroksidasi.

“Boleh saja dimasukkan ke kulkas, tapi khawatir zat gizi di dalamnya teroksidasi oleh udara. Akibatnya, vitamin di dalamnya menguap,“ imbuhnya.

Sebagai saran penyimpanan, susu bubuk harus disimpan di wadah kedap udara, jauhkan dari tempat lembap, paparan sinar matahari, dan paparan panas.

“Termasuk rantai pengiriman, yang juga harus bisa menjaga zat gizi tetap baik. Lebih baik, konsumsi susu yang habis sekali minum. Selain praktis, juga menjaga nilai gizinya,“ terangnya.

Minum susu baik untuk segala usia, apalagi anak-anak dalam masa emas pertumbuhannya. Kandungan gizi dalam susu akan ditabung dalam tubuh anak untuk kebutuhan gizi (terutama kalsium) di masa tua.

“Bayi mendeposit kalsium untuk daya tahan dan kebutuhan pertumbuhannya. Pada masa ini, terjadi pengeluaran kalsium dari tulang. Namun, kalsium mulai dikeluarkan secara perlahan sejak usia 30-an. Apalagi saat menopause dan andropause, saat terjadi penurunan sistem hormon. Inilah pentingnya minum susu sejak dini,“ tambahnya.

Sayang, konsumsi susu nasional masyarakat Indonesia tergolong masih rendah. Data IPB 2010 menyebutkan, konsumsi susu nasional Indonesia hanya 11,7-11,9 liter/kapita per tahun dari segala usia. Padahal, Thailand saja sudah mencapai 31 liter/kapita per tahun. Sementara, konsumsi tertinggi dilakukan penduduk Finlandia mencapai 183 liter/kapita per tahun.



Motorola Defy

If you thought that new twists on Android handsets were getting a bit thin on the ground, take a look at the Motorola Defy. Sporting Moto's love-it-or-hate-it MotoBlur social networking system as seen first on the Dext, the Defy adds an extra we've not seen with Android before: ruggedness.
Motorola says the Defy is dustproof, water resistant and scratch resistant. A tough little cookie then.
We got our review sample from Vodafone but we also found it online SIM free for £299.63 inc VAT.
motorola defy
The Defy certainly looks a bit on the tough side. The long edges each sport three screws holding the shiny front plate to the matte rubberised back. There's another screw on the bottom edge.
motorola defy
The top mounted 3.5mm headset connector and left side mounted micro-USB port have rubberised covers to help prevent dust and dirt getting in to the Defy's innards. We reckon you'll throw dust protection to the wind and rip the headset jack cover off after a few days because it's a real pain, though the micro-USB cover is less of a nuisance.
motorola defy
motorola defy
The backplate is held down by a lock slider that helps ensure a snug fit. Both SIM and microSD card slots are under the battery. The latter is here, we suppose, so that there doesn't have to be a side mounted slot, but getting to it is a pain.
motorola defy
motorola defy
Meanwhile the Gorilla Glass screen is designed to resist scratching. While we avoided attacking the Defy with a mallet, a few attempts to scratch the screen with a pen and some keys were impressively well-handled. We scraped with some gusto, but the screen remained unscratched.
motorola defy
We even ran the phone under a tap for a few minutes and it seemed to deal with that well, too. While the phone survived this water treatment, the capacitive screen loses responsiveness when wet, so don't expect to take the Defy into the bath and use the touchscreen under water. No, we can't think why you'd want to do that either, to be honest.
We also had a go at dropping the Defy deliberately in a few situations. We threw it down some stairs, flung it onto the pavement, and it survived these things unscathed, too.
Motorola defy review
The bottom line is that you certainly could destroy this phone. Drive over it, put the corner of your chair on it when you sit down, drop it into a fire — these things would kill it dead. But it certainly seems to us to be more robust than almost all other handsets, which have screens and chassis that are easy to ding.
None of this shock-proofing has had a negative effect on the general design of the Motorola Defy. It isn't the prettiest handset out there, but its black chassis is no real surprise, and the curved edges are nice enough.
It fits nicely in the hand and pocket, with dimensions on a par with many other handsets at 118g in weight and 107 x 59 x 13.4mm.
motorola defy
With GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi including 802.11n, and 2GB of built-in storage, the story thus far is good.




Apple's launch of the iPhone 4 has seen the greatest excitement for a new phone ever - and with HD video recording, a super high-res screen and ridiculously slim dimensions, it's not hard to see why.
But things are a little different now - not only was the iPhone 3GS something of a non-update to the iPhone range, but there are finally decent alternatives in the smartphone market, with the HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S leading the Android fight right to Apple's door.
Add to that the first major leak of an Apple product a couple of months before launch, and suddenly the iPhone 4 has a lot to do to impress.
Apple iphone 4 review
At least Apple has unleashed the big guns for this effort - before we get into the headline specs, the design itself is a massive talking point on its own.
Jobs' chats on stage to unveil a new iPhone might have got a little repetitive (best this, magical that etc) but this is the first time since the first iPhone way back in January 2007 that we've seen a variation on the standard iPhone design.
Apple iphone 4 review
Gone is the traditional curved back and plastic exterior with slightly chunky dimensions; in is a chassis that's only 9.3mm thin at its thickest point and a new stainless steel and glass industrial design.
Apple iphone 4 review
If you're an iPhone fan, there's a good chance you won't like the look of the iPhone the first time you pick it up - it's the same weight as the iPhone 3GS at 137g, but it's a lot smaller, with dimensions of 115.2mm x58.6 mm x 9.3mm, so it feels like a much weightier and compact model.
The edges are stainless steel, apparently forged by winged unicorns in an iceberg (or something) to be 10 times stronger than 'normal' steel.
Apple iphone 4 review
The front and back of the phone are made of glass, which has also been treated to be a lot stronger than the normal variety we're used to seeing through and drinking out of.
This claim holds up - not only did we feel the need to drop the phone onto the floor a few times to test, someone nameless of the TechRadar team also knocked it out (an admittedly low level) window onto concrete - and not a scratch.
If you're the protective type, then you can buy an official 'Bumper' for the iPhone 4, which encases it in a small ring of rubber, if you haven't bought the handset only for its slim lines.
Apple iphone 4 review
The chassis shape isn't the only different thing with the iPhone 4 - the whole ethos has been tweaked. For instance, no longer is there a slightly plasticky rocker switch to control volume on the left-hand side, as it's now two discrete metal buttons with '+' and '-' written on.
The volume silencer rocker switch is above too, but that has also undergone the uber-metallic treatment.
Apple iphone 4 review
The top of the phone still holds the headphone jack, and the power/lock key. However, the 3.5mm port is now flush to the chassis, and the power button feels much nicer to hit than before.
There's also a separate microphone for noise cancelling next to this as well - we imagine a few people will be pushing paperclips in there before they realise that it's not for the SIM card slot.
Apple iphone 4 review
The right-hand side of the chassis is still blank - no camera button sadly, which would have been nice given the extra effort Apple has clearly put into overhauling the photography system.
Still, sleek is clearly still 'in' at the Cupertino HQ, and we can't say we blame the designers when you look at the lines.
Actually, that's not true - the micro-SIM slot is hidden away here, rather than on the top. It's the same pokey key thing/slot system as before, but this time the SIM card is much smaller - Apple says to make more room for stuff inside, we say it's just to shake things up a little bit. Either way, we bet micro-SIMs become the norm before very long in all phones.
Apple iphone 4 review
The bottom of the phone has the familiar Apple connector for charging and connecting and docking etc, and is flanked by another more microphone-y looking microphone slot and the speaker.
The front still has that one iconic button, which is much nicer to press in the new chassis, it has to be said.
Apple iphone 4 review
Overall, the design might not impress some people the first time they pick up the phone - a number of people we showed the phone to grimaced a little bit the first time they handled it.
It's a sharp and weighty-feeling phone, make no mistake - and it doesn't sit as comfortably in the hand as well as other iPhones of the past have.
But it feels premium, and at up to £600, it had better - that's a lot to pay when you consider you could get a 42-inch 1080p LCD for £200 less these days.
In the box
At least Apple has remained consistent when it comes to the packaging - apart from a new graphic on the front to make the new iPhone 4 look more mysterious, there's not a lot different to the older iPhones.
So that means: a simple Apple USB cable, a three-pin plug adaptor and some headphones. The latter is the same old set from the year before: hands free and a function button on the cord, but slightly poor quality compared to a range of other buds on the market.
Apple iphone 4 review
Oh, you also get that little tool for removing the micro-SIM card as well - but Apple should just save itself some money and stick a paperclip in there, as 99.99% of people will lose that little thing, panic, then improvise anyway. Well, we have. Twice.



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